Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm at The Global Leadership Summit (GLS) Malaysia 2009... and Rockin' later at Seven.Eight Hertz??? XD


Yeaps... I'll be MIA for two days but thank goodness it's only in Seremban so i travel back to KL straight away after the end of the first day conference. Hence, that's why you guys manage to see this post la! XD

I didn't bring the camera to take photos though, i hope i will manage to remember to get it later, since i'm set to leave for Day Two of the Seminar in 2 hours time.

Anyways, just a brief description and some info on The Global Leadership Summit... GLS Malaysia, if i'm not mistaken has been running their yearly seminar for the third year. It's organized by Willow Creek and the Malaysia host was none other than Agape Gospel Assemby, Seremban.

It's an annual seminar and gathering of all the local leaders of ministries of the Assemblies of God churches in Malaysia. Yes! I'm stucked with all the holy holy people... OMG, rite?

Well, my dad was the one that said, "Well, go ah? go ah?" In my head i was like, "Woot!!?" In the end based on autocracy, i ended up here la... Duh!!! XD

But it wasn't that bad la... Seminar was abit boring but interesting at times. Basically it's kinda like a DVD Video Stream seminar but they were open dialogs too. It's a good medium and also training tools for those who are in leadership positions, be it in an organization, company, church or even a community.


Later tonight, my friend Nicholl's band 'Seven.Eight Hertz' will be performing their second gig of the year at Urbanattic in Capsquare, KL

So for those supporters of local music scene and likewise, do come down to Capsquare KL if you guys are free later tonight.

You guys can also check out Seven.Eight Hertz facebook page and also Myspace page below for info.

Seven.Eight Hertz Facebook Group

Seven.Eight Hertz Myspace

Till then, here's City Boy Kampung Breed signin' off... Ciaoz~


Ken Wooi said...

take more photos ma =)


darkprince said...

faster come back lo , innit cant funtion without you :D

Johnny Ong said...

good to see u goin for the gls. its never a time wasted event

Rue said...

Which church you from ?

Kennee said...

@kenwooi: took d lor...

@darkprince: lolz

@Johnny: hehehe...

@Rue: from Praise City Church, KL