I feel bad for this blog and whoever reads it before. Good thing i am not like some famous blogger and I'm pretty damn sure that I am not missed at all... *sob sob*
Well... Cut to the crap... Do I feel guilty? obliged? bored? too free? coz can't sleep? I think those are parts of the reason I am writing a post here... I guess...
This has been pretty busy for me. Well... That's a fat lie... and yeah! I mean... FAT LIE... Honestly, I'm just being lazy to blog about anything. Reason being? Well, most of my rants are senseless, distasteful and plain vulgar and rude? I think you guys that reads it should be the judge.
Anyways a quick update on things and here's a fast one on things happened so far:-
1. It's 2011!!!
2. It's April now!!!
3. I got an Iphone!!!
4. I started tweeting!!!
5. Still working in the same company!!! Yes! Kerja as Along kutip hutang!!!
6. Started bloggin' this entry!!!
There you go... That's all... after months of not bloggin'... That's what happen so far in my life... Borin' right?
Well... Actually there's alot of stuff happened in between here and there la~ But heck, either you are on my Twitter or Facebook then at least you know what's goin' on la~
Oh well, if you guys wanna add me once facebook or twitter... Just click on the link beside the post... Hopefully no psychos out there though... XD
Oh ya... FYI!!! Streamyx still sucks like an old dirty whore with no teeth giving blowjob with a cane... YES!!! From the last post till now. I still loathe Streamyx and their fucked up service. Broadband my ass! Their commercial on radio is a joke! And yes! my feelings of hatred for you is still burning like hot flaming coal!!!
Streamyx!!! You can go FUCK OFF!!!